MOTHER, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, Reiki Master
practitioner & MEDITATION TEACHER. I guide and support people going through transitions, inviting more ease & Fun, freedom & passion, and POSSIBILITY & balance into their life.
Growing up, I took refuge from my anxieties in my imagination, where I could sense there was so much more to life than I was experiencing. At nineteen, one of my arteries clogged. This was my wake up call; I had been living in fear most of my life. I spent the next ten years of my life wandering around the world, while searching for a magic formula, eager to discover a better way of life.
“ Answer every call that excites your spirit.
I started listening to the voice inside me. I left my old teaching dreams behind and went backpacking around the world for a year. I soon ran out of money. Both desperate and excited, I signed up with a modeling agency in New-Zealand. That exciting, yet scary journey through the unknown gave me the ground I needed to explore my unconscious beliefs and behaviors.
Only with awareness can people change.
In 2013, I was initiated to Inkan mysticism with Elizabeth Jenkins, teacher of the Q'ero Indians’ traditions. This experience deepened my understanding of nature's fundamental principal of unity. Shortly after, I took my first reiki training with Joanna Crespo, awakening my inner healer. I then enrolled in a meditation teacher training with world-renowned teacher Davidji and was certified in 2014. This was the medicine to my anxiety and insecurity. Still, I felt I was collecting magnificent branches, but was missing the trunk of my tree to piece them all together.
I found it one evening at The Open Center in NYC, during an introduction on Transformational Coaching. I signed up the following morning for their nine-month training (ICF accredited) and was certified in 2016, more eager than ever to start a private practice, blending every tool, technique and practice I had been taught into a unique experience.
I used to be motivated to action by the thought that life's too short, so better make the most of it. I now see life as a sacred gift. And by getting to know ourselves, we get to live this gift in its fullest and highest expression.
Answer every call that excites your spirit: it may not make ‘sense’ at first, but with honesty, courage and trust, we find the seeds of a life well-lived.
It’s my wish, if you’ll have me, to take you on a different kind of journey, so you may realize the expanse of your love and power, to heal and transform, not only your life, but also the life of those around you.
Come say Hi! here: hello@sandrinemarlier.com