Feeling whole and loved is our responsibility. But how do we get there on our own when life seems to be throwing rocks of stress, confusion, and overwhelm?
Perhaps the greatest gift we can give ourselves is to learn how to live in our center. Create a space so sacred inside that you always want to come home. When we welcome all the parts of us, holding space for ourselves, wherever we are, we feel whole.
To love is to make whole. To be whole is to live in our center. We may be flawed but not insecure.
We don’t bring any of the stories that got us out of our center. But we do bring back the energies we tried to push out and instead, work them on the inside. We let them move inside. We create space. We breathe space so energy can move and so we can relate to it differently. Look at it differently. This is love. We have to be willing to see things differently. And then send love to all those parts, especially those we push away. This act of self-love restores balance, and our weaknesses become our strengths.
If we try to control the movement, if we hold on too tight to our self-image, concepts and importance, we lose our power. We disconnect, disregard, avoid, separate…. Our job is to bring everything back inside and love the whole of who we are. Love the whole of who others are and the whole of what life is, like we would our own children, without judgment.
We all have stories. We all have pain. We all have demons. The difference lies in our resistance to our stuff and how willing we are to let go and love it all, so we can heal and go beyond.
Here’s a mantra I’ve been working with lately and that might help you too: I keep you safe in my love. It came to me after sitting in meditation one day. I use it when I’m parenting so I don’t get upset when my daughter clogs the toilets with paper just before going to school. I use it with myself when I feel frustrated, upset, ashamed… I don’t want to stop the flow of love. The more I’m able to send love to those parts of me, the safer they are to come home and the more freedom I experience. This gentle relaxation of the heart frees us and also lets others be free to be who they are. And together we surrender to the medicine of one – the medicine of love.